Earthstar has a new specification powered by Willow.
Earthstar v11 is now in beta.


Earthstar CLI

Comfortable around a console? We've created a complete command-line suite for everything Earthstar.

Table of contents


The best part is that everything is stored locally, so it all works offline.

A command-line interface is a way of giving commands to a computer by giving textual commands, and receiving text output. They're simple yet powerful tools, which is why hackers in movies seem to love them so much.

A complete overview of the CLI's commands can be found at the project's README, or can be summoned using earthstar --help.

Let's take a quick tour and put it through its paces!


Installing the CLI requires an installation of Deno. You can find instruction on how to install Deno here.

Once Deno has been installed, paste, copy, and run the following command in your console (double click to highlight the whole thing):

deno install --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net --allow-run --allow-env --no-check --unstable -f --location -n earthstar

You should see a message indicating a successful installation.

Generate an identity

To write data with Earthstar you'll need an identity. Let's generate one:

earthstar identities generate <name> --current

Where <name> is a four-character nickname made of lowercase letters or numbers. This will be the permanent shortname of your new identity.

Don't worry about the shortname being permanent. It's meant as a way to let you and others more easily know which keypair you're interacting with. The important bits of online identity — display names, avatars, bios — can be changed as many times as you want.

Your new identity will be stored in the CLI for use by other commands. The --current flag we passed will set this new identity as the one in current use.

Create and modify a share

You can sync data around to other peers using a share. You can add as many or as few shares as you want. Right now you won't have any, so let's make a new one:

earthstar shares generate <name>

You'll be prompted where you'd like to store your Earthstar shares on disk. This is where the CLI will persist your share data as self-contained database files.

I chose the name bananas, and got this output:

Generated share address.
Added +bananas.oa8rorxt2e6r

Our new share is completely empty. Let's change that:

earthstar shares set

The CLI will then interactively guide you through setting a document on +bananas:

? Choose a share › +bananas.oa8rorxt2e6r
? Choose a path › /best-ways-to-eat.txt
? Enter document content › Frozen, and mixed with peanut butter.

And presents the resulting document and its attributes:

│ Path         │ /best-ways-to-eat.txt                              │
│ Content      │ Frozen, and mixed with peanut butter.              │
│ Author       │ @gwil.b63a5eqlqqkv5im37s6vebgf3ledhkyt63gzt4ylvcya │
│              │ tlxmrprma                                          │
│ Timestamp    │ 1650878618805000 (less than a minute ago)          │
│ Signature    │ buhn2a3l6e2o3qem3ltwj5rjqcexhtx7jrfnqhi63imm5j6u5p │
│              │ fgq2n63retar3a46saa6h5wfw2shcsntyyzck3yfbwq54aoxfc │
│              │ xcdq                                               │
│ Content hash │ bp67oe5o6l4nfwwu25uf7xb5ylebsijvwocktdng6uk7x3skkp │
│              │ fma                                                │
│ Format       │ es.4                                               │

There's a much nicer way than this to view and modify data on your share, though.

Synchronising with the filesystem

We're going to interact with our share's data on the filesystem. First, let's make a directory we'll keep the data in using mkdir:

mkdir bananas && cd bananas

Now we're in the directory which we'll sync our share with. Run the following:

earthstar shares sync-files

It'll prompt you as to which share you'd like to sync with this directory:

? Choose a share › +bananas.oa8rorxt2e6r
Synced +bananas with /Users/gwil/bananas

In your directory you'll now see a folder with a single bananas.txt file inside. Try modifying the contents of this file, adding new files, or even new directories.

Right now the maximum size of an Earthstar document is 4 megabytes. Attempting to sync files larger than this will fail. We're addressing the limitation in the near future.

We're going to sync them back to the +bananas replica using the same command as before:

earthstar shares sync-files

And we can check that they were synced to the replica:

earthstar shares paths
? Choose a share › +bananas.oa8rorxt2e6r

As these files have been written back into the replica, they can now be synced with other peers who care about +bananas.

Syncing, Replica Servers, and friends.

Earthstar's preferred method of syncing between peers is via Replica servers, always-online peers that you can sync with via the internet.

Every share is supported by one or many replica servers which let individual devices sync with one another. Most importantly, these replica servers are run by shares' users themselves.

We want to make running a replica server as simple as possible, so we've created a project you can deploy in one click using Glitch.

Remix on Glitch

Now that you have a replica server, let's add it to our list of known servers:

earthstar servers add

and now let's sync our data which we created earlier:

earthstar shares sync
Syncing with
│ https://earthstar-repli │
│ │
│ thstar-api/v2/          │
│ Share    │ Pulled │ New │
│ +bananas │ 3      │ 0   │

Now you can bring your friends in. Somehow coax them into the following:

And they can start modifying the data on your share, and sync those changes back to you.

You can use this as a way to collaboratively create a shared knowledgebase, a common drive of funny pictures, or even a website served by the replica server.

The Earthstar CLI offers many more commands which you can find at the project's README.